Get ready for the second call

Our second call for project proposals is coming soon! The call will be open from 15 March to 9 June 2023.
Find new project partners in our networking events
Now is the time to get ready. If you are interested in the call, join us for a series of thematic networking events in November and December to share project ideas and kickstart the search for new project partners. The events take place online. Each session will be dedicated to a different topic:
- 15 November (10-12:00 CET): 'smarter Europe'
- 17 November (10-12:00 CET): 'more social Europe'
- 29 November (10-12:00 CET): 'greener Europe'
- 1 December (10-12:00 CET): 'more connected Europe', 'Europe closer to citizens', and 'better regional governance'
Registration is open! Pick the session(s) matching your interest(s) and sign up to hear more about our topics and policy objectives, share your project idea, and meet people interested in interregional cooperation.
Make use of our online resources for project preparation
No need to wait until November, you can start preparing right away.
Join our community (if you are not a member yet) and complete your profile. As a community member, you'll have access to all our project preparation tools and events. You can also use the community to reach out to new contacts and meet like-minded peers.
Take a look at the project ideas already available online and see if there is a match for you.
Or better yet, publish your own project idea. In addition to sharing it online, you will also have an opportunity to present it during our networking events and host your own networking session to connect with potential project partners.
Test if your idea fits our programme with the self-assessment tool. It gives you a quick reply on whether you are on the right track with your project idea. See also our guidance and videos on how to develop your project proposal.
Get ready for the call launch
Save the date also for the launch of the second call on 15 March 2023 during 'Europe, let's cooperate! interregional cooperation forum' in Stockholm, Sweden.
Go beyond projects
In addition to projects, we can help you find solutions and inspiration for better policies in many other ways too. Join the Policy Learning Platform on 5 December (14:00-15:30 CET) to learn more about the 'Next generation policymakers' and how the Platform's services assist them. Take part in the discussion and share your views on why skills, knowledge and a powerful network are vital to create better regional policies.
And don't forget to explore all of our policy-learning resources available online, ready to be used whenever you look for new ideas or solutions.