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Erwin Siweris, director of Interreg Europe giving a presentation at an Interreg Europe project seminar in Sofia

What is Interreg Europe?

Find out what we do and how you can benefit.

Who we are

Interreg Europe is an interregional cooperation programme, co-funded by the European Union. The European Union strives to reduce disparities in the levels of development, growth and quality of life in and across Europe’s regions. Our programme contributes to this objective and runs from 2021 to 2027.

We have a budget of MEUR 394 to help local, regional and national governments across Europe to develop and deliver better policy. We create an environment and opportunities for sharing solutions to regional development issues. We support the exchange of good practices and policy learning among European regions in 36 countries - the EU27 Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Ukraine. 

Programme brochure


You can read a bit more about the programme in a brief brochure.

Click here to download the brochure.

Feel free to print it and share it with others.


cover page of the 2021-2027 programme brochure

Topics we cover

Our programme contributes to all EU priorities and strives for better regional governance through capacity building.

All six topics together


Icon SMART dark with text

  • Research & innovation capacities
  • Digitisation
  • SME competitiveness
  • S3, industry and entrepreneurship
  • Digital connectivity

Icon GREEN dark with text

  • Energy efficiency
  • Renewable energy
  • Smart energy systems
  • Climate change
  • Water management
  • Circular economy
  • Nature & biodiversity
  • Zero-carbon urban mobility

Icon CONNECTED dark with text

  • Sustainable TEN-T
  • Sustainable mobility

Icon SOCIAL dark with text

  • Education
  • Social inclusion
  • Integration of third-country nationals
  • Health care
  • Culture and sustainable tourism

Icon CITIZENS dark with text

  • Integrated urban development
  • Integrated non-urban development

Icon GOVERNANCE dark with text

  • Policy governance

Who can benefit

Public authorities
  • national, regional, local public authorities
  • other relevant bodies responsible for developing and/ or implementing regional development policies
  • authorities responsible for developing and/ or implementing the Investment for jobs and growth programmes
Organisations relevant for regional development policies
  • Business support organisations (development agencies, innovation agencies, chambers of commerce, clusters, etc.)
  • Environmental organisations (environmental agencies, energy agencies, NGOs, etc.)
  • Education and research institutions (universities, research centres, etc.)

(the list is not exhaustive)

Two paths to better policies

Interregional cooperation projects

Our projects bring together a fixed number of partners from different regions who exchange and transfer experience on a shared regional development issue.

Icon Projects

Policy Learning Platform

Our Platform's team of experts make our programme's results and achievements accessible to all through a range of policy-learning services.

Icon Platform

Our history