Our seven new countries
Our programme has expanded to seven new countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Ukraine.
The expansion has created new cooperation opportunities for our community. Projects partnerships will grow. Peers from new regions will join the exchanges of experiences.
See what opportunities lie ahead and get involved in interregional cooperation!
Get policy advice
Policy-making is not an easy task. But you don't need to do it alone! Our team of experts is here to help you resolve your regional policy challenges.
Our experts provide a tailored set of resources, contacts, or in-depth analyses to help you find the answers you are looking for.
Starting new projects
Our third call for project proposals was open to all eligible institutions from the programme area's 36 countries. The call was open from 20 March to 7 June 2024 (12:00 noon CEST - Paris time).
We received over 200 project applications. Have a look at the third call figures to learn more.
Joining approved projects
Because our first and second call projects were approved at a time when opportunities to work with the seven new countries did not yet exist, we wanted to give them the chance to extend of their partnership.
The restricted call for project proposals was open from 20 March to 7 June 2024, at 12:00 p.m.(midday) CEST (Paris time).
Our approved projects could add up-to two new partners to their partnership from the seven new countries.
55 projects applied to the restricted call. The results will be announced soon.
National points of contact
Discover how the country is involved in our programme and scroll down to meet our community members ready to cooperate!