Policy helpdesk
Do you have a question related to regional policies? Our policy helpdesk can give you quick access to relevant information and contacts.
How does it work?
Through our policy helpdesk, we aim to answer any type of regional policy-making questions or challenges you might have.
Submit your request in a few sentences. Our Platform experts will contact you and provide you with a variety of resources ranging from relevant good practices to policy briefs, webinars or contacts of relevant people.
Each response is tailored to answer your request.
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Latest experiences
Explore our community members’ latest experience with our policy helpdesk.
Circular economy in the textiles sector
The Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform received a policy helpdesk request for more information on the circular economy in the textiles sector. Explore our good practices, resources and projects on the topic.Digitalisation of public services
The Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform received the policy helpdesk request for more information on the topic of digitalisation of public services.Sustainable urban mobility
The interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform received a request for more information on sustainable urban mobility.Rural-urban energy: Renewable energy communities
The Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform received a policy helpdesk request for more information on Rural-urban energy: Renewable energy communities.Steering European household towards the use of alternative fuel vehicles
The Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform received a policy helpdesk request for more information on policies to steer European households towards the use of alternative fuel vehicles.Digital solutions for public administration
The Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform received a policy helpdesk request for more information on digital solution for public administration.Museums as drivers for urban sustainability
The Policy Learning Platform received a helpdesk request for information on museums, gardens and smart energy. Take a look at the good practices and knowledge.Cross-border healthcare
The Policy Learning Platform received a helpdesk request concerning information on cross-border healthcare. Take a look at good practices and knowledge.How to decide the location and design of cycling lanes?
This policy helpdesk request addresses how you can decide on the location and design of cycling lanes for your city and region.Specifications for shared, cycling and public realm surfaces
This policy helpdesk responds to the question of recommended specifications for shared, cycling and public realm surfaces.Digital ecosystems and digital transformation
Read about the Interreg Europe projects active in digital ecosystems, digital transformation, remote working and co-working spaces.Strategies to make reclaimed water available for reuse in agriculture
Discover strategies to make reclaimed water available for reuse in agriculture in this policy helpdesk request response.Initiatives for low-quality second-hand clothing
Discover good practices that can help you understand what you can do locally with low-quality second-hand clothing.Can biogas be counted as recycling?
This helpdesk response will help you understand how biogas can be counted towards recycling targets.What does the new EU taxonomy mean for the financing of biogas from biowaste?
In this helpdesk request response you will find resources and answers on what the new EU taxonomy means for the financing of biogas from biowaste.
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