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AI opportunities, risks, & responsibilities in Nevers


On April 9, the Departement of Nièvre (France) and ENAIBLER project partner Nièvre Numérique organized a seminar about Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the county councillors and directors to enable participants to better understand what artificial intelligence is and to see what the risks and opportunities are for the public sector.

Fabien Bazin, President of the Département of Nièvre and Nièvre Numérique, inaugurated the event, emphasizing the need for understanding AI's implications in public sector operations. Additionally, Jean-Dimas Malot, Director of Nièvre Numérique, presented ENAIBLER project, outlining its objectives and significance in regional AI initiatives.

The seminar featured a dynamic panel discussion titled "AI and the Public Sector: Opportunities and Risks," featuring insights from Mathias Murmylo (ARNia), Marc Leobet (Capdigital), Anthéa Serafin (Ekitia), and Delobelle Gregory (Région Centre-Val de Loire). The speakers explored several aspects of AI adoption, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach that maximizes benefits while mitigating risks.

Head of Services, Innovation and Data in ARNia, Mathias Murmylo highlighted the balanced approach of the region, neither blindly embracing AI nor shying away from its potential, but rather seeking to identify high-value applications while acknowledging limitations and risks.

In addition to exploring the potential of AI, the seminar emphasized the importance of transparency and ethical considerations in its utilization.

During the event, the organisation shared the first edition of the Optic magazine, providing participants with further insights into the evolving landscape of AI. For those interested, the magazine can be accessed here: https://www.calameo.com/read/0076454245ed928621bdc

Furthermore, as part of the Interreg Europe ENAIBLER project, the seminar served as a milestone in fostering regional collaboration and knowledge exchange.

Artificial Intelligence