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TRAM 3rd Stakeholders Group Meeting_NW Romania

31 Jul 2017
Clock 00 : 00 - 00 : 00 CEST
Location In person Romania
By Project TRAM
On the 31st of July, the North West Development Agency, PP5 of TRAM project, have held its 3rd Stakeholders Group (SG) meeting which has taken the shape of a larger conference with almost 50 participants (not just SG members) and have been called: Urban Mobility Day in Northern Transylvania.

Within the meeting, PP5 has presented the state of elaborating the SUMPs in the region along with the related projects, as well as a series of good practices from Seville where the project will have its next Study Visit and Interregional Thematic Workshop (presented by Reinhold Stadler, one of PP5's ITRE experts).

The highlight of the event was the presentation of a special guest, Mr. Antanas Speckauskas from Civitta Lithuania, who has talked about the concept of Mobility as a Service, the experiences in implementing e-ticketing solutions in Vilnius, Lithuania as well as different analyses for deciding on the best solution for public transport.