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Stakeholder Meeting in Sfântu Gheorghe Commune

31 Aug 2016
Clock 00 : 00 - 00 : 00 CEST
Location In person | Sfântu Gheorghe Commune, Romania
The event started with the speech of the two vice presidents Tulcea County Council stressing, the importance of both the exchange of experience in asset management, coastal and  specially the permanent exchange of best practices designed to preserve and exploit the coastal region of Tulcea County. 
The project manager presented a detailed material with the most relevant information and images related to the project, namely: name, funding program, partners, duration, value, objectives, activities and results.
After the presentation of the project manager, an expert from the ICEM Tulcea (stakeholder) presented the cultural heritage of coastal Tulcea -definition, legal framework, management, and the representative ADR SE Braila (stakeholder) pointed out how to access grants for an integrated regional development of the coastal area. 
At this event attended 27 persons, representatives of stakeholders, of the Tulcea County Council and Mayor of Sfantu Gheorghe Commune. At the end of the event there was a section devoted to questions and answers regarding the structure Strategy stakeholders that has to be drafted, there have been drawn conclusions on the awareness of heritage coastline by the local community and the importance of involving local actors in order to exploit and promote it. 

Within this event it was held also study tour, in which occasion were pointed once more, the cultural and natural values of coastal area promoted by the project.  
