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RECORD project. 3rd Study Visit.

17 - 19 Jun 2019
Clock 00 : 00 - 00 : 00 CEST
Location In person | Firenze and Pistoia, Italy
By Project RECORD
Next Study Visit of RECORD project, is organized by the Partner “DITECFER District for Rail Technologies, High Speed, Networks’ Safety & Security” and will take place in the two cities that are the key-hubs of the regional rail supply industry: Pistoia and Firenze. It will involve 42 people from five different countries. 
The RECORD Delegations will be presented the Tuscany Region ERDF “POR CreO” policies and instruments, as well as case studies of ERDF funding in support of the Rail supply chain, with specific attention to the opportunities for SMEs, both direct and indirect.
Meetings will be complemented with four technical visit are organized to gather best practices from railway companies in managing and performing R&D activities
