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BID-REX Final Event

29 Sep 2020
Clock 00 : 00 - 00 : 00 CEST
Location In person
By Project BID-REX
The final event of the BID-REX project ‘From Biodiversity Data to Decisions’ will take place on the 29th of September 2020, 10.00-12.45 CET.  

This is an EU Green Week Partner Event and will be taking place online. 

There will be a range of exciting sessions and speakers, including Anne Teller, Senior Expert, European Commission DG Environment. 

The final event will be an great opportunity to reflect on the accomplishments made in linking biodiversity data and decision-making through the Interreg BID-REX project, and to look forward to the future.  
During the event project partners will highlight the results obtained by the BID-REX project in their regions and guest speakers will report on biodiversity goals and EU funds for nature post 2020. 
The complete programme of the event is available here
If you’d like to attend any or all of the sessions, please register here before the 24th of September.   

If you have any further questions, please contact [email protected] 
----The even has now taken place.

The fully recorded event can be found here

A video summarising the accomplishments of the BID REX project can be found here