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3rd e-smartec Project & Steering Committee Meeting

08 - 10 Jul 2020
Clock 00 : 00 - 00 : 00 CEST
Location In person
By Project e-smartec
The 3rd Project Meeting (PM) and Steering Committee Meeting (SCM) was held online on July 8, 9, 10, 2020, and hosted by Coventry University Enterprises (CUE) on Microsoft Teams platform. Back to back with the meeting (Day 2 - July 9, 2020) the “Workshop on AP definition” also took place. 

Day 1

Day 1 initiated with a welcome presentation from Tess Lukehurst (CUE Ltd). She briefly presented the West Midlands area, Coventry and competences of CUE Ltd.
Project Coordinator Maria Morfoulaki (CERTH) gave an overview of the project. She first presented the agenda of the meeting, the AP workshop and the SC meeting. MM briefly went through the project status, indicating the on-going activities and deliverables and the interconnections between the project’s tasks.
Stefano Armenia (LCU) presented the main content of the report on the "Analysis of marketing techniques and selection of the most appropriate while developing effective and acceptable SUMPs"(categorization of marketing techniques). Investigation came through the system thinking approach to address the SUMP challenges and decide the policies that can facilitate a shift to sustainable modes. 
Ghadir Pourhashem (UNIZA) presented the internal transferability report: its aims, input and outputs. He presented the evaluation criteria, adding one more for COVID alignment. 
Later, all e-smartec regions presented their progress on Task 1.4 Action Plan (AP) definition and preparation , followed by a presentation by Chiara di Majo and Alice Pennacchio (Rome Mobility Agency) presented the activities of Task 1.3 Capacity building for effective marketing approach in mobility planning and its adaptation to online formats.

Day 3

Following Day 2, which was dedicated to an impressive AP workshop led by CUE, Day 3 was dedicated to Task 2.2 Advanced communication and dissemination actions and project management issues. It ended with a brief Steering Committee Meeting.
Alessia Giorgiutti (POLIS) started by presenting the project's communication actions, such as facts and figures regarding the 1st Newsletter and upcoming 2nd one and analytics from Twitter and our website.
She continued by describing further activities, such as video and magazine dissemination. In particular, the project video was released on April 2020 and it has already obtained good views, mostly from Belgium, Greece and Italy. Polis has also worked on an article on Thinking Cities, a magazine developed in cooperation with H3B Media (British company), to feature a piece on SUMP and engagement Good Practices connected to e-smartec.