Provides detailed information about a specific practice aimed at supporting European SMEs and start-ups in the Mobility, Transport and Automotive MTA ecosystem.
In Ostrava, there is a strong political will to create a city and a region of clean industry and living. The city is part of a hydrogen network of stakeholders.
The Central Wastewater Treatment Plant of Ostrava uses cogeneration to produce electricity and heat.The Plant is a unique tool for sustainable city development.
COVID PRAHA – pandemic related financial instrument supporting Prague enterprises
The COVID PRAHA Guarantee Program facilitated access to operating financing for sole proprietors and SMEs active in Prague in reaction to pandemic consequences.
Elimination of HCH and its products from drain water by PRB on ZVI
Elimination of HCH and their transformation products from drain water by a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) on a metallic iron basis (zero-valent iron, ZVI).