Online course on circular public procurement

About this good practice
Even though the concept of sustainable procurement is now new, the term “circular public procurement” is unknown in Czechia. In 2021, there was an amendment to the Public Procurement Act stating that public authorities are obliged to comply with the principles of socially responsible procurement, environmentally responsible procurement and innovation, provided that this is possible due to the nature and meaning of the contract. Thus, guidelines and cases of good practices are needed to help public authorities to introduce circular economy principles in their procurement. At the same, the course is meant for business companies and individuals interested in circular purchases and networking among all involved participants is another aim of the course.
The course has 30 hours in 12 online lectures, participants are provided with recordings of every lecture, additional materials and high-level experts present their cases from different fields: circular economy in general, circular procurement, energy, materials, food, law, construction, IT, textile or furniture, etc. The range of experts covers environmental experts, advisory agency aimed at circular economy, lawyer specialised on green public procurements, local municipalities deputises etc.
In the pilot course realised in 2020/21, 45 participants took part in the course and INCIEN received highly positive feedbacks. For the second year 2021/22, scholarship was offered to parents on maternity leave to increase their skills.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
Costs are fully covered by the participants, fee differs according to the type of client (public sector vs. NGOs vs. private sector) and varies between 380 – 900 EUR incl. VAT per participant. These fees cover all related costs, no other costs are needed, all participants have their own computers.
Evidence of success
Institute realised a pilot course in 2020/21 with 35 participants and 25 of them presented a planned circular project. Participants were highly motivated, created networks, some of them closely cooperate with INCIEN further. Very positive feedbacks were collected, especially on the model of every lecture: theoretical part and concrete practical cases.
Potential for learning or transfer
First, online modules have shown to be effective tools of teaching and awareness raising during the pandemic, thus saving time in contrast to classical on spot teaching. Second, the topic of public procurement is highly actual as the European Commission issues it plans and strategies within the European Green Deal. Circular public procurement must be the first step of public authorities to realise circular economy in practice and to show the example but there is little knowledge and will to change the current situation. So, seminars are not that effective as an online course.
Possible hinders involve a lack of experts within a specific country but methodologies are being produced to overcome this problem.
Further information
Good practice owner
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