Implementation of “personalized” Public Transportation marketing campaign
Implementation of Personalized Public Transportation Marketing Campaign to overcome the behavioral barriers for using PT service in peri-urban and rural areas.
Smart Demand Responsive Transport App for public transport and taxis – SMARTA Project
An application allowing citizens to access real-time public transport information to facilitate the connection between rural parishes and the city of Trikala.
SfP supports and funds temporary infrastructure to make it safer for people who chose active travel for essential trips and exercise during the Covid pandemic.
South East of Scotland Transport Transition Group (SESTTG)
The SESTTG (the Group) was set up to respond to the Covid-19 impacts for transport and coordinate temporary and transitional responses in the SEStran region.
Thistle Assistance Card and App mask exemption sticker
Support for people exempt from wearing face coverings for health or disability reasons when their use was mandatory on public transport during the pandemic.
Recreation buses to green areas, in the pandemic, had positive impact on quality of life of residents, reduction of CO2 and efficiency connections in the area.