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Online Peer Review: Sector Prioritisation and Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP)

15 - 16 Sep 2020
Clock 09 : 00 - 17 : 00 CEST
Location In person
By Platform
The Policy Learning Platform is organising an online Peer Review on Smart Specialisation (S3) prioritisation and the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP) that will be hosted by Vestland County, Norway. It will take place virtually on 15 and 16 September 2020.
The online peer review will focus on S3 sector prioritisation and the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process  in the context of two merging regions in Norway. The peers will address specific policy challenges such as S3 sector prioritisation, promoting an inclusive and continuous EDP, monitoring the EDP, enabling mission-oriented S3 and the green transition. 

The objective of the event is to translate the main conclusions of the meeting into a proposal for concrete policy action, a 'to do-list' presenting the actions to be taken and map the possible follow-on actions and  future cooperation plan.
This activity is invitation only. The key learnings and presentations will be made available afterwards in a follow-up article.
Are you interested in a Peer Review for your regional challenge? Submit your application today. 
Image credit: Photo by Maurício Mascaro from Pexels