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REC4EU launches video at Earth technology Expo in Florence

By Project REC4EU

ARRR, together with the Tuscany Region Administration, took part to the ETE 2023 – EARTH TECHNOLOGY EXPO (Fortezza da Basso in Florence from November 15th to 18th 2023), a big event dedicated to the digital, energy and ecological transition and to environmental management technologies developed in Italy.

In the framework of the side event "Renewable Energy Communities: experiences in Tuscany", ARRR and Tuscany region discussed with the stakeholders, the public and  the representatives of the first Tuscan RECs on how Energy Communities represent a great opportunity to completely review the way of conceiving energy production, moving from a model of a few large producers to an interconnected network of small producers/consumers.

Look at the agenda here


Where are we at? is Tuscany ready?

Simone Tartaro from ARRR explained the actual situation of RECs in Tuscany where some RECs would be ready to start however, if the Italian Ministry of the Environment doesn't issue the decree on the value of the shared energy incentive for REC, it is difficult, if not impossible, to make an assessment of the economic sustainability of RECs

Mr. Simone Tartaro from ARRR

See his presentation here

REC4EU project and video presentation

Susanna Ceccanti from ARRR presented the REC4EU project, its objectives, its phases but primarily she showed to the audience in preview the project videos.

See her presentation here

screenshot of the REC4EU video

Have a look at them!

The PROGRAM of the meetings with the details of the interventions is available here.

To view the entire EARTH TECHNOLOGY EXPO program, any updates on the interventions carried out by the Tuscany Region and the methods of access to the Fortezza da Basso, you can consult www.etexpo.it/it/

Energy transition