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Cohesion policy post-2020 and sustainability transitions

19 Oct 2018
Clock 09 : 00 - 14 : 00 CEST
Location In person | Brussels,
By Other
The European Commission and EIT Climate-KIC organise an open discussion on cohesion policy post-2020 and sustainability transitions on 19 October 2018 in Brussels. The aim of the event is to discuss the needs of regions and cities and which support is available to identify concrete solutions for the future.

The EU objectives for a low-carbon and circular economy requires systemic transformations at regional and local level. The EU's cohesion policy plays an important role in helping regions and Member States to invest to protect the environment, reduce emissions, and adapt to climate change.

New measures are sought for the post-2020 period to further improve the effectiveness of cohesion policy investment in delivering the EU’s environmental and climate goals. Therefore, this session is organised to reflect on how cohesion policy can better support sustainability transitions in regions and cities. Regional and local authorities and other stakeholders are welcome to contribute to the debate.