
Superior Technical Institute for Information and Communication Technologies
Published on 23 May 2018

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Italy and Piemonte Region are characterized by high youth unemployment. Despite that, enterprises often find it difficult to find high specialized workers. ITS-ICT is a high technical institute aims at training highly specialized technicians in strategical sectors for the economic development in Piemonte. The ITS-ICT is managed by a foundation constituted by public administrations (among them Città Metropolitana di Torino), the Politecnico of Turin, Piazza dei Mestieri (private vocational training centre), a second level high school, a bank foundation, and some private enterprises. Its courses are for students that have already a high school diploma, they last 2years and are free of charge for the participants. They release a Superior Technical Diploma that is recognized both at national and international level. They are characterized by a strong collaboration with the enterprises: at least 30% of the lessons take place in the enterprises premises and 75% of the teachers are from the enterprises. All the courses include an internship of 540 hours at least. The intern period may be made abroad with Erasmus+ programme.
Torino’s Superior Technical Institute for Information and Communication Technologies has now 170 student in the following specializations: Visual and interaction design, Web and mobile development, Beckend and integrated services. The courses are designed every year on the basis of an analysis of the educational and employment needs of the territory.
Torino’s Superior Technical Institute for Information and Communication Technologies has now 170 student in the following specializations: Visual and interaction design, Web and mobile development, Beckend and integrated services. The courses are designed every year on the basis of an analysis of the educational and employment needs of the territory.
Resources needed
ITS-ICT is financed by Piemonte Region with European Structural and Investment funds and national funds. The cost for every course is 288.000€. Other 80.000€ are necessary for the needs analysis and for structural investments.
Evidence of success
The most important indicator of the success reached by ITS-ICT is done by the employment rate after diploma: 83% of qualified people have got a job after 12 months in a sector that is coherent with their studies. About 50% of the student get a job in the enterprise where they did their internship and 10% get a job during the internship period. 15% do their internship with Erasmus+ programme and 60% of them receive a job proposal abroad.
Potential for learning or transfer
Information and Communication Technologies are one of the priority sector of RIS3 of Piemonte Region, as well as in other European regions. It is a fundamental factor to increase the competitiveness of the territories in advanced countries. The ITS model permits a more effective transmission of knowledge thanks to the collaboration among the different institutions.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
ITS foundation for Information and Communication Technologies
