RuralCat platform

About this good practice
The Ruralcat site (created in 2003) is a digital platform serving as a comprehensive information resource on rural areas, specifically in the agricultural, food, forestry, and fishing sectors in Catalonia. It is coordinated from the Department of Climate Action, Food, and Rural Agenda of the Government of Catalonia. It provides a wide range of resources and services aimed at promoting sustainable development and well-being in the region's rural areas. From information on ongoing projects and activities to data on funding opportunities and support programmes, Ruralcat is a reliable source for those interested in rural development in Catalonia. Additionally, it offers interactive tools and online services facilitating interaction and collaboration among different stakeholders in the rural sector, serving as a digital meeting point for the Catalan rural community, providing resources and support to strengthen their initiatives, and improving their businesses.
The beneficiaries of this practice include primary agricultural, forestry, and fishing sectors, the agri-food industry, universities, research centres, departmental technicians, and other industry professionals. Through improved access to information, training, and support services, the digital platform has contributed significantly to enhancing the competitiveness and sustainability of Catalonia's agricultural and food sector.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
Financial resources: €450,000/year for maintenance, software development, and IT personnel + internal personnel for content development, updates, and administration.
Evidence of success
• Over 70,000 registered users, with 2.5 million annual page views and 500,000 sessions.
• Active presence on social media with over 16,000 X (former Twitter) followers, 7,000 Facebook followers, and Instagram followers.
• 1,700 YouTube subscribers with 35,000 annual video views.
• Over 20,000 subscribers to the weekly newsletter.
Potential for learning or transfer
Potential for learning or transfer:
This practice offers several key elements that make it potentially interesting for other regions:
• Centralised access to comprehensive information, training courses, and support services for professionals in the agricultural, forestry, and fishing sectors.
• Facilitation of unofficial communication channels between administration and professionals, enabling rapid response to sectoral needs.
• Deployment of expertise from both internal departmental staff and external entities, ensuring credibility and effectiveness.
• The platform serves as a tool for community building and professional networking.
These factors make the practice adaptable and transferable to other regions seeking to enhance communication, knowledge exchange, and support services within their agricultural and food sectors.
Further information
Good practice owner
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