Regional Scientific Council for Research and Innovation
About this good practice
One of the main challenges facing the Region is developing a long term plan with the support of the R+I and economic ecosystem. A Council next to the Governor and the RIS3 implementation framework is a tool to create maximum engagement of the regional stakeholders. The Council provides support for the implementation of the RIS3 through different proposals and suggestions, based on different analytical tools such as expert opinions, field studies, innovation assessments, and collaboration from the available human resources in R+D+I sectors. That support includes elements such as:
a) Networking of the regional stakeholders involved in R+D+I.
b) Cooperation with the R+T National General Secretariat for planning and implementing R+D+I regional strategies coordinated in the national level.
c) Defining criteria and conditions for the evaluation of R+I proposals submitted to regional authorities.
d) Enhancing the access of beneficiaries in various funding sources, as well as the integration and interconnection of research organizations.
(e) Making full use of the research potential of the Regions and its human resources, enhancing the R+I infrastructures and facilitating the transfer of knowledge.
The Council consists of eleven members, six of whom are from the university or research institutes, and the remaining five are from the market and other institutions and public administration, covering a vast part of the quadruple helix of the innovation ecosystem.
Resources needed
The secretarial and administrative support of the Council is provided by the Region, as well as any support in their work and mission by its existing structures. The travel and daily allowances of the members of the Council for attending any meeting will be also covered by Region.
Evidence of success
The Council is quite new in terms of working and offering any initial success evidence. Despite this, the stakeholders are extremely happy and optimistic that this action is in the right direction and that is building trust in the whole ecosystem.
Potential for learning or transfer
This practice offers a number of specific and very interesting activities and methodologies that could be put on a thorough and detailed analysis in order to identify patterns and issues so as to be able to be transferred to other regions successfully. These activities are:
• The Council's involvement in all strategic analysis, decisions and proposals, through meetings, discussions and participation in all relevant events.
• The continuous involvement of the Council in the RIS3 implementation, offering their experience and views as a stakeholder and their day to day involvement in many different innovation activities. RIS3 strategy and action plan requires a huge effort to engage stakeholders and this Strategic Council can offer huge added value in having all stakeholders of the ecosystem accept the strategy and co-implement it.