
Promoting women entrepreneurship within project “Partnership for all 2”
Published on 26 June 2021

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
According to Croatian institute for employment in the area of Koprivnica Križevci County 4456 people was unemployed, from what 52,9% of women. The majority of unemployed are young people till 29 years old. In the county 33,7% unemployed are without job more than a year. These groups have been selected as target groups for the project. The problem of unemployment for these target groups requires immediate action, but no tools have been available to effectively help these groups to access jobs.Among other elements (like adjusted training programs for unemployed groups, empowerment and motivation of vulnerable groups for activation and entering the world of work, founding of a Club for employment) the project aimed to encourage entrepreneurship, too. That includes promotion and strengthening of mind on entrepreneurship through educational and promotional activities of unemployed people and encouraging of entrepreneurship through the offering of support for self-employment by awarding of small value supports. The main stakeholders were Koprivnica Križevci County, Croatian Employment Service – Regional Office Križevci, Croatian Chamber of Economy – Regional Chamber Koprivnica, Chamber of Trades, and Crafts of Koprivnica Križevci County.
Resources needed
The budget is 270.000,00 €, divided between 6 partners in the area of Koprivnica Križevci County. For the preparation of call documentation and implementation of whole process one employee of Administrative department was one employee in charge
Evidence of success
11 new entrepreneurs were granted through the project. The program of support of new entrepreneurs continued after end of the project. County started a new fund for supporting with its own incomes. Beneficiaries had the obligation to submit a report on functioning of their firm 6 months after the signing of contract, and they had to be operational minimally one year after signing. So 10 of them continued with work. In new call through County budget minimum for work of company is 2 years.
Potential for learning or transfer
The practice shows how synergies between the objectives of the enhancement of a region’s entrepreneurial skills and the promotion of gender equality can be exploited. No particularly specific socio-economic or political conditions are attached to a success of such an initiative in Europe so that its potential to be transferred to regions where women entrepreneurship is less developed is considerably high.
Further information
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