Digital girls ER

About this good practice
Digitalization profoundly transformed both society and the economy, further accelerating with COVID19. With the increase in the use of digital technologies, the demand for ICT specialists has consequently grown rapidly. In Italy, in 2022, ICT specialists represented 3.9% of total employment, an increase of 27% compared to 2012. Women were only 16%.
The promotion of gender equality and women's access to STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics professions are therefore key challenges for Emilia-Romagna. In this context, "Digital Girls ER", an extension of the “Digital Girls” launched in 2014, has the objective to reduce gender digital divide and contribute to the development of a more inclusive regional information society.
Activities: free laboratory-based Summer Camps dedicated to female high school students. Summer Camps take place in 9-10 different university locations in E-R. In addition, a completely online edition is activated to enlarge participation. Girls learn how to program in a fun and creative way with the support of mentors. Participation is completely free. "Digital Girls ER" is part of a strategy within “Data Valley Bene Comune”, the E-R Digital Agenda 2020-2025 which includes "Digital Skills", aiming at the dissemination of advanced skills and awareness in all levels of age and in multiple sectors, involving citizens, schools, training institutions, businesses and trade associations.
Beneficiaries are girls aged 14 to 17.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
The average cost per edition is 200.000€/year.
Staff: 2-3 tutors and at least a university teacher to fully support each group created within the camp. The technological equipment to support learning includes PCs but also robots, sensors, programming boards.
Funds used: Regional ESF+
Evidence of success
In 2022, 222 girls participated in 8 summer camps. In 2023, the project was further expanded in collaboration with local training institutions and with the involvement of the Piacenza branch of the Polytechnic of Milan, allowing even more widespread coverage in the regional territory. There were 16 free summer camps for around 300 high school students. For 2024, 22 camps are planned showing an increasing interest; at least 450 participants are expected.
Potential for learning or transfer
Digitali Girls ER is created with ESF+ regional funds. It is easily replicable and can be integrated with other existing European experiences, also identified in the Debuting project. In its implementation, it is necessary to keep in mind the initial difficulties in activating and managing different territorial partners (schools, universities, communication agencies, businesses, institutions), it is imperative to exploit its potential and create interest on the part of the targeted participants. It is important every year to learn from the previous edition and the more the numbers increase, the greater the need to involve the territory and especially the businesses.
Further information
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