Establishment of Social Economy Smart Specialisation Platform (S3)
Published on 26 June 2018
Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Smart specialisation is an innovative approach that aims to boost growth and jobs in Europe, by enabling each region to identify and develop its own competitive advantages. Through its partnership and bottom-up approach, smart specialisation brings together local authorities, academia, business spheres and the civil society, working for the implementation of long-term growth strategies supported by EU funds.
The aim of the partnership of the Social Economy thematic platform is to stimulate cross-border operations for mutual and cooperatives to enable them to use the full potential of the internal market in order to expand the activities of social economy, through interregional collaboration activities. The partnership aims at
• develop social economy clusters;
• create European value chains of social economy enterprises belonging to different regions in Europe
• improve the cooperation between enterprises and other territorial actors, especially those who have technological and innovative competences.
Leading region:
Navarra, Spain
Participating regions:
Lapland, Finland
Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Murcia, Spain
Örebro Län, Sweden
The aim of the partnership of the Social Economy thematic platform is to stimulate cross-border operations for mutual and cooperatives to enable them to use the full potential of the internal market in order to expand the activities of social economy, through interregional collaboration activities. The partnership aims at
• develop social economy clusters;
• create European value chains of social economy enterprises belonging to different regions in Europe
• improve the cooperation between enterprises and other territorial actors, especially those who have technological and innovative competences.
Leading region:
Navarra, Spain
Participating regions:
Lapland, Finland
Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Murcia, Spain
Örebro Län, Sweden
Resources needed
For the development of a Smart Specialisation Platform, ERDF grants of up to 300 000 euro are available per region.
Evidence of success
The establishment of the platform enables the participating regions to exchange experience and pool resources on the development of social economy and with it social entrepreneurship. Furthermore, through establishing the platform, the participating regions are able to apply for ERDF funding up to 300 000 € to help them with their work in the field of social economy.
Potential for learning or transfer
The social economy sector is playing a significant role in bringing innovation partners together across the region. The partnership has the ambition to lead on and further explore how this ‘model’ of S3 engagement with the social economy sector could be scaled up with other EU partner regions of a similar ambition. This desire to create S3-oriented, inter-regional collaboration for the social economy sector offers huge potential to generate concentrated EU efforts across the sector and to unleash new approaches to innovation, entrepreneurship and inclusive growth for the whole of the EU.
Further information
Good practice owner
Regional Council of Lapland
Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi
Senior specialist