Establishing food safety, quality and food fraud committee
Published on 18 May 2020

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The main reason for establishing food safety, quality and food fraud committee in Chamber of Agricultural and Food Enterprises is exchange of information concerning problematics of food safety, quality and food fraud area. This practise is beneficial for both sides, food safety managers in food companies, who gets insight in current policy changes, documents and other relevant information concerning food safety, food safety culture, food fraud and quality, and us on the other side to get real life problems. We provide professional support for food safety, quality and food fraud issues that occur in food companies daily practise, consequently we are updated with existing food safety problems, which makes us competent interlocutor with authorities. Furthermore, with all gathered information we have an opportunity to influence on policy changes, that are useful and necessary for our members. Some practical examples regarding food fraud field:
-relevant food fraud hazards,
-information sources,
-vulnerability assessment and mitigation plan,
-networking with the laboratories for food authenticity.
-relevant food fraud hazards,
-information sources,
-vulnerability assessment and mitigation plan,
-networking with the laboratories for food authenticity.
Resources needed
The resources required are human resources, specifically 1 person, who is head of food safety area and another one for assisting in planning meetings and other events.
Evidence of success
To share important information regarding food safety with members of Food safety committee. We are also preparing lectures on different topics from relevant institutions, which covers some aspects of food safety area. Food companies needs different analyses in their daily practise, so we are making study visits of relevant institutions and other stakeholders.
Potential for learning or transfer
It is important to have good connections with food companies and other stakeholders, to upgrade current food safety knowledge and policy. We established platform with contacts of food safety experts, in order to exchange important information and solve appearing issues. Our advantage is, that Slovenia is a small country with not so many food companies and centralised public authorities, which enables us to quickly get the right contacts and share information. Problems, that could appear in implementation of our good practise in bigger countries are the organization of the state into different regions, different laws in regions and more complex public authorities, which results in more difficulty finding contacts of the right persons. Two countries (Catalonia, Estonia), who are partners in Qualify project could, in our opinion, implement this practise without greater difficulties, others could also implement this, but it would probably require more time, due to more complex organigram.
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.

Zahodna Slovenija
Junior consultant