Drying extends fruit shelf life
About this good practice
Innovative but simple technologies enable the extention of fresh food’s shelf life. Drying of fruit, vegetables, cheese and other food raw materials is achieved in a very short time and at low temperatures. Such technolological processing contributes to maintain very high levels of nutrients in the finished products. After rehydration products regain natural texture, taste and aroma. This process produces a product of varied form, crispness and texture, providing very high nutritional values. Technology in food processing helps to improve the efficiency of raw material use in reducing losses and increasing valorised by-products.
Drying machines allow the creation of new food products from fresh fruits and vegetables that might not find any markets due to various reasons (overproduction, non-compliance with conformity and quality standards). Paula company has designed the Mivac technology which is a fast micro-wave vacuum dryer. Paula company has developed various drying technologies to minimize food losses at processing stages and extra ones: infusion, spray drying using nozzles, instant flours and instant rice production and membrane filtration.
Mivac technology is also used by Microfood company for drying fruit and vegetables through a vacuum rotary drum dryer. Microfood produces “puffings” products, crunchy dried fruit or vegetables which contain a lot of vitamins. The drying process is very fast (1-3 mn) and the temperature of the dried material is much lower.
Resources needed
R&D, capital, marketing, skilled staff
Evidence of success
Microfood company was founded in July 2011 and offers comprehensive processing lines for drying fruit and vegetables based on vacuum drying technology. Technological development has been the aim of MicroFood from the very beginning of its activity.Microfood and Paula companies are supported by the Marshal Office of the Wielkopolska Region through clustering and innovation programmes.
Potential for learning or transfer
Drying technologies contribute to extend shelf life of fresh fruit and vegetables that might not find any market due to overproduction or non-compliant supply (i.e. climatic hazards, aesthetic criteria, food surplus due to ordering cancellation, etc.). There’s a potential for learning and transfer as some ECOWASTE4FOOD partners have been inspired by this technology and refer to it in their action plan in order to support resource-efficient process in the agri-food industries.