Baltic Sea Region Stars S3 (BSR Stars S3)
Published on 22 May 2019
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
BSR STARS S3 focuses in enhancing sustainable growth opportunities in the Baltic Sea Region in fields and sectors where there is growth potential as well as cross-border and transnational collaboration opportunities. The initiative seeks to foster cooperation in the region as well as creating joint platforms for a more synchronized future development in the area in fields with high potential. BSR Stars S3 stimulates transnational and cross-sectoral partnerships, develops integrated innovation support infrastructures and innovation management tools, and increases the capacity of innovation actors to utilize smart specialization strategies (S3). It aims to develop more integrated innovation support infrastructures (e.g. EEN, test/demonstration facilities, innovation platforms) and innovation management tools to leverage complementary competences across borders in the BSR. The project involves 12 partners from Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Lithuania and Norway. It brings together different innovation actors in the area (SMEs, universities, business development organisations, regional authorities and national policymakers) in order to apply a transnational approach in the implementation of their regional and national smart specialisation strategies.
Resources needed
It is a project supported by the Interreg Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme with 2.6 M euros with the direct participation of the 12 partners’ staff as well as external expertise.
Evidence of success
The project main outputs are a cross-sectoral S3 support programme for SMEs and policy briefs with recommendations that can be used at the regional, national and EU levels for efficient S3 implementation. The project has developed several new innovative tools and instruments for promoting transnational S3 collaboration including; matchmaking events; accelerator camps; an innovation ecosystem management tool; innovation voucher scheme; transnational business coaching and the S3 platform.
Potential for learning or transfer
The project has developed different instruments and tools to enhance cooperation between public and private actors within different S3 development fields such as bio, circular and digital economy. These tools can be applied in different EU regions and S3 fields to promote collaboration in transnational and cross-border cooperation contexts.
Further information
Good practice owner
Baltic Institute of Finland (Suomen Itämeri-Instituutti)
Technical Assitance