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Sustainable Mobility

By Platform

The Policy Learning Platform organised a workshop on sustainable mobility on 21 November 2018 in Manchester. 

The aim of the workshop was to pave the way for synergies between the Interreg Europe projects working on the theme and to hold working sessions for the projects to identify good practices and discuss key challenges and solutions. 

Access the workshop follow-up brief to discover the highlights, key-learnings and recommendations of the workshop.


The concept and moderation were signed by Katharina Krell and Simon Hunkin, thematic experts of low-carbon economy from the Policy Learning Platform. 

Behaviour Change for Sustainable Mobility 

Good Practice presentations

  • Luca Barbadoro from Regione Marche (TRAM project) presented  which has introduced cycle paths in the city, using the design of a metro map to make travel by bike more intuitive and easy to navigate,
  • Jamie Hulland, from Devon County Council (InnovaSUMP) presented the  . This practice was a trial of a system to inform people by text message to promote alternative transport modes,
  • Jorge Bandeira, from the University of Aveiro ( ) presented provides information on how busy train carriages are in the Stockholm metro, to improve comfort for passengers, and increase the use of the metro.
People looking at a powerpoint

Sustainable Transport for Tourism

Good Practice presentations:

  • Andy Fryers from Equal State (SHARE) presented   which is for the whole of the Umbria region and can be used on all existing means of public transport,
  • Agnes Kurzweil (LAST MILE) presented the hailed shared taxi that provides links between existing transport hubs and tourist destinations, needing to be called an hour in advance for pick up,
  • Chiara Dall’Aglio from Sviluppumbria presented   which involves the development of a new touristic offer by linking up sites related to St. Francis of Assisi to boost use of active modes of transport (walking and cycling).

Action plan development for transport policies

Access the follow-up brief of the workshop for more information and recommendations. 

Sustainable tourism
Action plan