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Regional innovation ecosystems

By Platform
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On 18 October 2022, the Policy Learning Platform organised a workshop on regional innovation ecosystems, at the Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC) in Brno, Czech Republic. 

More than 40 policymakers from Europe were present and able to exchange their experiences, good practices and network. High-level speakers from Lund University, Mid-Sweden University, Transilvania IT cluster and a number of leading regions shared their experiences on building thriving and dynamic regional innovation ecosystems.

What was the workshop about? 

Regional innovation ecosystems must constantly adapt to new policy directionalities. Regional innovation policies are increasingly geared towards solving place-based societal challenges that can be drivers for better innovation and help give direction to regional innovation strategies.

Through presentations of concrete cases and interactive working group sessions, the workshop explored regional policy tools to favour:

  • the acceleration of the innovation process,
  • the promotion of interactions among regional innovation actors and across regional innovation ecosystems to build effective innovation ecosystems.

To learn more about this topic, explore the follow-up brief our experts have prepared for you. It contains insights on building effective innovation ecosystems as well as inspiring Interreg Europe good practices and policy recommendations. 

People from behind sitting and listening to a presentation
People networking

Workshop agenda

  • Welcome address by Pavel KreÄŤmer, CEITEC 
  • Presentation of Interreg Europe by Ana Mihaljevic from Interreg Europe 
  • Presentation of the services of the Policy Learning Platform by Arnault Morisson, Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
  • Charlotte Lorentz Hjorth, Lund University Cooperation Office – EIT KIC partnerships 
  • Andra Tanase, Transilvania Digital Innovation Hub & Transilvania IT Cluster
  • Wijnand van Smaalen, Provincie Zuid-Holland


  • Luc Hulsman, SNN – Northern Netherlands Alliance, the Innovation Monitor (BEYOND EDP)
  • Karin NygĂĄrd Skalman, Mid-Sweden University, Minding the Gap (INNOHEIS)
  • Balázs Barta, Pannon Business Network, Szombathely, Hungary
Explore the follow-up brief and presentations

People sitting in a circée and discussing
Group of people outside in a cirle
Digital uptake