Image Green NATURALLY LOCAL Climate Adaptation in Small Municipalities with Natural Based Solutions Ongoing Climate change
Image Green POLLINATE Improving territorial policies to address the decline of pollinators Ongoing Biodiversity preservation
Image Green ClimateGO ClimateGO supports regions and cities in developing better policies for climate-smart and resilient governance. Ongoing Climate change
Image Green ADAPTO ADAPTO will increase the capacity of policymakers to design and implement effective adaptation measures which boost regional climate resilience. Ongoing Climate change
Image Green CLIMATE CLIMATE will establish an integrated climate governance, addressing territorial vulnerability and promoting proactive disaster planning. Ongoing Climate change
Image Green DECA DECA aims to develop innovative adaptation strategies and funds to improve the effectiveness of the climate change policies. Ongoing Climate change
Image Green EAGER EAGER helps policymakers in promoting agrophotovoltaics to foster harmony between agriculture and open-space solar systems. Ongoing Renewable energy
Image Green GEMS GEMS aims to shape European policies for sustainable groundwater management to combat agricultural nitrates pollution. Ongoing Water management
Image Green Gov4Water Gov4Water aims to enhance governance and integrated planning procedures for a climate responsive water management. Ongoing Water management
Image Green GreenSPAS GreenSPAS improves public policies of thermal spa cities and regions facing climate change in Europe. Ongoing Climate change
Image Green JUSTGREEN JUSTGREEN aims to add social and equity perspectives to how cities approach greening and climate adaptation. Ongoing Climate change
Image Green NEBA NEBA empowers regions with enriching, sustainable, and inclusive territorial planning for a resilient future, inspired by New European Bauhaus. Ongoing Climate change
Image Green RENEWAT RENEWAT addresses the cultural and territorial challenges of repowering water mills as modern tools for producing renewable energy. Ongoing Renewable energy
Image Green RIWET RIWET aims to improve the restoration and management of rivers and wetlands by supporting public-private partnerships and engaging communities. Ongoing Biodiversity preservation
Image Green UNIFHY UNIFHY supports the energy sector decarbonisation through the reduction of fossil fuels and the uptake of green hydrogen and low carbon gases. Ongoing Renewable energy
Image Green BIOWIND BIOWIND supports partners to implement an integrated wind planning approach to enhance social acceptance and secure sustainable wind energy expansion. Ongoing Renewable energy
Image Green CIBioGo CIBioGo aims at boosting citizens' and stakeholders’ involvement in biodiversity governance for environmentally-friendly territorial strategies. Ongoing Biodiversity preservation
Image Green EXPRESS EXPRESS improves regional policies to decrease dependence on fossil fuels, increase energy self-sufficiency, and promote renewable energy use. Ongoing Renewable energy
Image Green GIFT GIFT aims to integrate the green infrastructure of forests and trees into sectoral policies to preserve biodiversity and ecosystem services. Ongoing Biodiversity preservation