Image Smart DeepTechValleys Deep Tech Ecosystem Empowerment for Regional Transformation Ongoing Research and innovation capacities
Image Smart HERCULES Health Empowerment through Regional Collaboration by fostering innovation from the demand-side Ongoing Research and innovation capacities
Image Smart KnowledgeAnalytics Advanced analytics for knowledge transfer monitoring and evaluation Ongoing Research and innovation capacities
Image Smart Green Hydra Improving policies for engaging SMEs in the green hydrogen ecosystem Ongoing SME competitiveness
Image Smart ACTIVE ID Activating Citizens Towards healthy lifestyles In Vital EU-regions with Innovative Data-driven solutions Ongoing SME competitiveness
Image Smart SMART CON EUROPE Smart Connection of Regional Research and Innovation Ecosystems with European R+I programmes Ongoing SME competitiveness
Image Smart AI4Citizens Supporting ethical and effective AI governance in European cities and regions Ongoing Digitisation
Image Smart TALENT4S3 Retention and attraction of TALENT for a better deployment of Smart Specialisation Strategies Ongoing Skills for S3 and industrial transition
Image Smart CHARME CHARME - digital Cultural Heritage Activities acRoss Multiple European regions Ongoing Digitisation
Image Smart Digital Rural Improving policies for the promotion of Smart Villages and rural digital transformation Ongoing Digitisation
Image Smart FBI4EU Policies to promote the competitiveness of forest-based SMEs in resource-effi cient European regions Ongoing SME competitiveness
Image Smart REWARD Retaining and attracting knowledge workers and skills for regional development Ongoing Skills for S3 and industrial transition