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SUPPORT final regional Conference - Gozo

28 Jun 2019
Clock 09 : 30 - 14 : 30 CEST
Location In person Malta
By Project SUPPORT
The local conference had the aim of presenting the SUPPORT project and the action plan developed for Gozo to the general public and public authorities. In total 25 persons participated in the event.
George Refalo, Executive Secretary of GRC, opened the day presenting the Region and its main activities.
A representative from Juanafil, the external expert in charge of the project management, presented the project and the activities carried out in Gozo. The presentation was mainly focused on the deliverables produced during the project, such as the Regional Background Analysis.
As part of the project activities, Juanafil’s representative also presented the Interreg Europe questionnaire on increased capacities and shared some copies among the participants.
SUPPORT addresses the EcoGozo policy, a regional holistic policy that intends to transform Gozo in a eco-island by 2020. For better explain the reasons behind GRC participation in SUPPORT, GRC asked the Ministry for Gozo to present the policy during the event. The presentation mainly focused on the priority Area 2: Environment and the activities that the Ministry for Gozo is carrying out for the achievement of the set targets.
The development of the action plan, main output of the project, has been subcontracted to DConsulta. A representative of the company presented the action plan: Gozo Energy Management System. The presentation focused on the needs on which the action plan is based, the good practices imported from other SUPPORT countries and the web app that GRC intends to develop for the energy management of public administration.
The EcoGozo policy is currently addressed by two Interreg Europe project: SUPPORT (GRC) and ENERSELVES (MIEMA). Therefore, GRC asked the energy agency to present their action plan during the local conference. A representative from MIEMA presented the web platform that they intend to develop aimed to support local administrations in developing strategic plan for the energy efficiency of their buildings.
After the presentation GRC offered a light lunch to the participants.
The local conference continued with a Q&A sessions, where questions were mainly addressed to the involvement of local administrations in both of the above-mentioned action plans and the benefits they might generate.
Finally, the event concluded with a presentation of the activities GRC is currently implementing in Gozo on energy efficiency and environment, in particular, the other European projects GRC is participating in were presented: Enerj, Coasting, Wetnet and FinMed, all financed through the Interreg MED programme.