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Stakeholders Group meeting 2 in Sweden

06 Feb 2017
Clock 00 : 00 - 00 : 00 CET
Location In person Sweden
By Project CHRISTA
Around 25 participants came from different museums and associations including representatives of 12 industrial history sites in Västra Götaland, which have the greatest potential to attract foreign visitors:
            Repslagarmuseet i Älvängen,
            Stenhuggarmuseet i Hunnebostrand,
            Kvarnstensgruvan i Lugnås,
            Dahlénmuseet i Stenstorp,
            Kanalmuseet i Håverud, Melleruds kommun,
            Munkedals järnväg, Munkedals kommun,
            Rydals museum, Marks kommun,
            Forsviks bruk, Karlsborgs kommun,
            Tidaholms museum, Tidaholms kommun,
            Limmared, Tranemo kommun,
            Fengersfors bruk, Åmåls kommun,
            Vadsbo museums, Mariestads kommun.
The participants had before the seminar had access to the Tourist Board's criteria for Sweden - Nordic – World – packaging.
Bjorn Ohlén and Marie Fors from Västarvet and Henrik Olsson from Innovatum began with information about ongoing work on cultural tourism in Västra Götaland and the activity plan for the CHRISTA project.
The Tourist Board's criteria and issues related to them were discussed. An inspirational lecture by Kristina Tidäng, Kistone AB of storytelling and packaging followed.
Afterwards,  participants worked in groups with a common story about the industrial history of Västra Götaland, common values, and how to use the story in their own business.
The workshop ended with an exercise where sights were supposed to put together three days joint tourist packages on industrial history.
All participants were very positive and looked forward to working with industry to develop historical tourism together in CHRISTA project.
