The Policy Learning Platform conducted an online matchmaking for the National Tourism Office of Moldova, on 12 July 2024. The National Tourism Office of Moldova requested some advice on how to build a strategy on tourism while developing support schemes for tourism SMEs.
The Policy Learning Platform conducted a matchmaking for the government of Bosnia Herzegovina, on 05 June 2024. The government of Bosnia Herzegovina requested some on advice on the challenge of the digital transformation in a country with heavy bureaucracy.
The Policy Learning Platform conducted a matchmaking for the Umbria Region's, on 06 June 2024. The Umbria Region's requested some advice on the challenge "Unlocking the potential of AI for public services".
The Policy Learning Platform conducted a matchmaking for the University of Latvia on 30 May 2024. Working closely with the Latvian municipalities, the University requested some on advice on the challenge of developping and supporting co-working spaces in rural areas.
The Policy Learning Platform conducted a matchmaking for the Boiarka City Council on 29 May 2024. The Boiarka City Coucil requested some on advice on the challenge of developing an integrated digital strategy to promote digital literacy among the local population.
On 23 May 2024, the Policy Learning Platform organised an onsite matchmaking on integrated redevelopment strategies for brownfields for the Public Waste Agency of Flanders.
On 23 May 2024, the Policy Learning Platform organised an onsite matchmaking on the strategy for the development of a circular construction industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
On 22 June 2023, the Policy Learning Platform hosted an online matchmaking together with the province of East Flanders to discuss how they can support the reuse of boilers in private housing as an interim solution while waiting for new eco-friendly systems.