Europe, let's cooperate! 2023

The 9th edition of Europe, let's cooperate! interregional cooperation forum took place on 15 March 2023. It marked the launch of our second call for project proposals.
The 2023 edition was an in-person event hosted in Stockholm, Sweden. Material and follow-up are available on the event website.
On the agenda:
- Inspiration and ideas for new project development
- Information and insights about the call
- Networking opportunities
- Discussions about project ideas and opportunities
- Possibilities for individual meetings with the joint secretariat to discuss your call-related questions
- Opportunities to meet national points of contact
- Study visits to inspiring sites in Stockholm
Have a look at the agenda below and see the event website for more information.
Start the day with the plenary session about:
- The contribution of interregional cooperation to the implementation of the EU cohesion policy, and
- The Interreg Europe's second call for project proposals in 2021-2027 with tips and advice for applicants and time for questions.
Refuel and recharge during the lunch break and get ready for an afternoon full of ideas and inspiration.
Choose from a range of activities and design your own agenda for the afternoon:
- Interreg Europe corner: Drop by the Interreg Europe corner to meet representatives of the joint secretariat and the Policy Learning Platform and get information. Our team will be available at the corner all afternoon.
- Country corners: Pass by the country corner to meet the points of contact from different countries and discuss country-specific issues with them.
- Networking zone: Join or host a networking session presenting project ideas and/ or cooperation partnership opportunities. As a registered participant, you can book a slot for a networking session about a topic of your choice and/or participate in sessions hosted by others.
- Meetings with the joint secretariat: Book a 30-minute individual meeting with one of us to discuss your call-related questions or project idea. You can request a 1:1 meeting slot once you have registered. The number of meeting slots is limited. Advance reservation required.
- Study visits: Discover and draw inspiration from a good practice visit in and around Stockholm.
(Note: study visits take the full afternoon. You will leave the venue after lunch and return back for the networking cocktail. Places are limited. Advance booking required.)
Join the closing session for key highlights and final tips for project preparation, information about the upcoming events and the call assistance.
Meet, mingle, discuss key take-aways of the day and build new connections for future cooperation during a closing cocktail.
Download the agenda overview
Europe, let's cooperate! interregional cooperation forum 2023
Registration is closed.
Advance registration is required to participate in the event. Registration was open until 3 March.
To attend this event, you must be part of the Interreg Europe community. Create a community account or log into your account before filling in the registration form.
We will review all registrations. Please wait for a confirmation before proceeding with any travel arrangements.