Task force on social services for older people (task force 3) of the Bizkaia Council of older people

About this good practice
What problem does it address and in which context was the practice introduced?
Task Force 3 addresses the problem of the negative and stereotyped image of older people (in the media, language, the popular consciousness, etc.) and which results in what we call ageism.
How does the practice achieve its objectives and how is it implemented?
a. By fostering and implementing a new social image of older people by public and private institutions
b. Organising specific actions that foster a new social image of older people.
c. Creating and disseminating the Council "brand" first among the older people groups and then society overall, as a way of projecting another image of ageing.
Who are the main stakeholders and beneficiaries of the practice?
Bizkaia's society is the main beneficiary of the task force's work, with special emphasis on older people.
What is the target population/audience (age range, vulnerable groups...)?
The most immediate target audience are older people, and indirectly and in a preventive way, the rest of Bizkaia's society as well. The task force also targets the media in so far as the latter transmits and reproduces negative and stereotyped images of the older people.
Resources needed
BPC provides data on those resources.
Evidence of success
Because it has benefited many older people who run the risk of internalising ageist social abuse.
Potential for learning or transfer
Ageism is a human development problem in contemporary societies which means that this good practice can be transferred to any other region of Europe. The work methodology, based on active participation, is common to the societies concerned about participatory processes, people, human development indexes (HDI) and active ageing.
Has this good practice been adopted in other regions of the country or in other countries?
Not that we know.
Has this good practice been implemented as a pilot programme or as an extended programme? If it is a pilot programme, is there a plan for broader implementation?
It is a broad programme with the CPMB itself taken as such. The reason for deploying these task forces was to provide the Council with content.
Is this good practice currently being implemented on an ongoing basis as a routine procedure?
Yes. There is a work plan, a meeting schedule and a series of contributions made to the Bizkaia Council of Older People and to BPC
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Bizkaia Council of Older People - Bizkaia Provincial Council