Innovative Public Procurement Office
Published on 30 April 2018
País Vasco
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The health system is an active agent within the innovation ecosystem and is really concerned about the introduction of new services, products, processes or organizational methods, applied to the internal practices, work organizaton or external relations, that can help to add value, get sustainable results over time and improve the competitiveness of Basque Country to meet the double demand arises: health care of people and contribution to the socioeconomic development of the Basque Country (BC). This is stated explicitly in the mission of the Strategy Research and Innovation in Health 2020. The Axis 1 "Impact" of this strategy has been identfied as an objective:
"To promote the development of innovations, with the health system as a tractor element" which pursues the corporate implementation of innovative public procurement tool around the needs of the health system or health system challenges, establishing resources, processes and responsible.
Osakidetza seeks to promote innovation in the health sector through the Public Procurement of Innocation (PPI), promoting the technological areas related to health in which there is greater capacity for development, fully alligned with the Thematic Area 1 of TITTAN project Outside-In Innovation.
Challenges currently being prioritized:
-Unification of information systems and management of Intesive Care Unit (ICU) services
-Emergency management
-Improved patient safety
"To promote the development of innovations, with the health system as a tractor element" which pursues the corporate implementation of innovative public procurement tool around the needs of the health system or health system challenges, establishing resources, processes and responsible.
Osakidetza seeks to promote innovation in the health sector through the Public Procurement of Innocation (PPI), promoting the technological areas related to health in which there is greater capacity for development, fully alligned with the Thematic Area 1 of TITTAN project Outside-In Innovation.
Challenges currently being prioritized:
-Unification of information systems and management of Intesive Care Unit (ICU) services
-Emergency management
-Improved patient safety
Resources needed
Consulting services has been hiring for the implementaton of the programme (60.000 euros).
Evidence of success
The innovative procurement office has been created recently, so there is no evidence that it has contributed to the creation of new markets or employment. However, the implementation of it has an objective to respond to a double demand: improve the health care of people and contribution to the socioeconomic development of the BC. 8 enterprises were interested in the challenge 2 and five enterprises were interested in the challenge 3. Nowadays, the PPI´s web recover those challenges focused
Potential for learning or transfer
The implementaton of it has an objectve to respond to a double demand: improve the health care of people and contributon to the socioeconomic development of the Basque Country.
The resolution 2160/2015 of 27th November is an open call for partcipation of individuals or legal entities to identify innovative solutions. After selection of the innovative solutions and the defniton of functional specificatoins for the services/systems/products to develop , Osakidetza may initiate the corresponding procurement procedures (Royal Legislatve Decree 3/2011 of 14 November , approving the revised text of the Law on Public Sector Contracts set ) to contract the selected entities. Therefore the procedures will provide an opportunity of growth for those entities, being this of great interest for authorities.
Currently, we are not aware of the benefits for private businesses or entities involved. However local and regional companies have shown a great interest in the open call and the office.
The resolution 2160/2015 of 27th November is an open call for partcipation of individuals or legal entities to identify innovative solutions. After selection of the innovative solutions and the defniton of functional specificatoins for the services/systems/products to develop , Osakidetza may initiate the corresponding procurement procedures (Royal Legislatve Decree 3/2011 of 14 November , approving the revised text of the Law on Public Sector Contracts set ) to contract the selected entities. Therefore the procedures will provide an opportunity of growth for those entities, being this of great interest for authorities.
Currently, we are not aware of the benefits for private businesses or entities involved. However local and regional companies have shown a great interest in the open call and the office.
Further information
Good practice owner
OSAKIDETZA, Basque Public Health Service
País Vasco
Project Manager