
Blue Line
Published on 21 July 2020

Centro (PT)
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The city of Coimbra has a Historic Center mainly inhabited by an ageing or vulnerable population, largely resident in Alta da Cidade, who usually struggles with great mobility issues, considering their age and health-related limitations, as well as their lack of financial resources for other solutions, such as the ownership of private cars. These solutions, of
course, also had the ecologic shortcomings and the lack of parking spaces. All of these conditions led to the need of a sustainable public and collective solution for mobility adjusted to all citizens’ needs.
This practice reached its main objectives by:
• Improving the mobility of populations living in the historic area
• Making of Alta an attractive center for new residents
• Mitigating physical barriers that discourage older people to leave home and participate in community life.
• Improving the quality of life through the use of passenger-friendly vehicles with reduced mobility and environmentally friendly.
• Improving the management of public roads
The main stakeholders of this practice are the City Council of Coimbra, as also the Portuguese Electric Vehicle Association and Mobility and Transport Institute. The main beneficiaries are residents of the historic centre of the city, mainly those who usually struggle with mobility issues.
As a Social Inclusion project, the Blue Line initiative is aimed at the most vulnerable groups, and also to the ageing population and people with mobility difficulties
course, also had the ecologic shortcomings and the lack of parking spaces. All of these conditions led to the need of a sustainable public and collective solution for mobility adjusted to all citizens’ needs.
This practice reached its main objectives by:
• Improving the mobility of populations living in the historic area
• Making of Alta an attractive center for new residents
• Mitigating physical barriers that discourage older people to leave home and participate in community life.
• Improving the quality of life through the use of passenger-friendly vehicles with reduced mobility and environmentally friendly.
• Improving the management of public roads
The main stakeholders of this practice are the City Council of Coimbra, as also the Portuguese Electric Vehicle Association and Mobility and Transport Institute. The main beneficiaries are residents of the historic centre of the city, mainly those who usually struggle with mobility issues.
As a Social Inclusion project, the Blue Line initiative is aimed at the most vulnerable groups, and also to the ageing population and people with mobility difficulties
Resources needed
Funding to buy the bus (167.185 euros per vehicle) by IMTT; resources are also needed to ensure driver and maintenance.
Evidence of success
The Blue Line (1) facilitated the mobility of the Alta resident population; (2) took public transport to areas that could not be served by other type of vehicle; (3) contributed to the preservation of environmental conditions through an environmentally friendly vehicle; (4) allowed to sustain the measures taken with the municipality itself to restrict and condition motorway access to the historic areas; and (5) facilitated the traffic management as the preservation of urban heritage.
Potential for learning or transfer
Has this good practice been adopted in other regions around the country or beyond?
This practice has already been escalated in its own region, as the Blue Line was in the meantime extended to 2.4 km and will probably continue to be enlarged. Blue Line started with 3, but there are already 7 units running in the field, throughout Coimbra.
Has this good practice implemented as a pilot programme or as an extended programme? In case it is a pilot programme, is there any plan for a wider implementation?
This good practice was not implemented as a pilot programme, nor configurates itself as an extended programme.
Is this good practice being currently implemented on an on-going basis as a routine procedure?
Yes, it is currently ongoing in Coimbra, Portugal.
This practice has already been escalated in its own region, as the Blue Line was in the meantime extended to 2.4 km and will probably continue to be enlarged. Blue Line started with 3, but there are already 7 units running in the field, throughout Coimbra.
Has this good practice implemented as a pilot programme or as an extended programme? In case it is a pilot programme, is there any plan for a wider implementation?
This good practice was not implemented as a pilot programme, nor configurates itself as an extended programme.
Is this good practice being currently implemented on an on-going basis as a routine procedure?
Yes, it is currently ongoing in Coimbra, Portugal.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Coimbra Urban Transportation Services | Coimbra City Hall

Centro (PT)
Project Manager