Regeneration of the coastal area of Thessaloniki
On 28 October 2022, the Policy Learning Platform organised a matchmaking in Cagnes-sur-Mer, France on the governance and continuity of blue-green infrastructure in coastal regions.
Our experts Astrid Severin and Magda Michalikova, moderated the session which was organised at the request of the Regional Development Fund of Central Macedonia, Greece.
- Chrysanthi Kiskini, Head of the Department of European Union projects, Regional Development Fund of Central Macedonia
- Lambrini Tsoli, Department of European Union projects, Regional Development Fund of Central Macedonia
- Alexandra Maccario, Cagnes-sur-Mer Municipality (France)
- Dr. Marta Jacuniak-Suda, Department for Regional Development Weser-Ems (Germany)
- Anda Ruskule, Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia (Latvia)
- John Jones, Norfolk County Council (United Kingdom)
- Francesco Scorza, University of Basilicata (Italy)
- James Nicolaï, Elected of the Municipality of Cagnes-sur-Mer, Europe and innovation
- Marie-Caroline Vallon, Région Sud, direction of energy transition and territories
- Thorsten Kohlisch, Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform Project Manager
- Astrid Severin, Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform Thematic Expert, Environment and resource efficiency
- Magda Michalikova, Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform Thematic Expert, Environment & resource efficiency
- Eugénie Suplisson, Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform Events Expert
Key takeaways
- A vision underpinning your long-term objectives is the first step to build a coherent and comprehensive project for the regeneration of the coastal area in Thessaloniki
- From the vision, a number of key fields of action will be identified: e.g. sustainable tourism, nature protection, coastal flood defence and protection. Such an identification process should be done jointly with key stakeholders
- Communicate the message in the right way to the right people
- Citizens’ involvement is important from the beginning as well as ensuring mechanisms that allow their proactive participation
- Norfolk has established a core management group with the municipalities in order to pool competencies and funding: relevant governance structures should be foreseen
Explore the rest of the takeaways in the follow-up note! In it, you will find the host’s policy challenges and all the peer suggestions.
Thessaloniki matchmaking - Follow-up note
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