Xhoen Dervishi Specialist Aleksander Moisiu University of Durres Albania New country Interested in Lead a project +1
Vuko Jovanovic Advisor Chamber of Economy of Montenegro Montenegro New country Interested in Join a project +2
Rexhina Alite Specialist Aleksander Moisiu University of Durres Albania New country Interested in Lead a project +1
Jonilda Llupa Project Specialist Universiteti Eqrem Çabej, Gjirokaster Albania New country Interested in Join a project +3
Branko Lukić Research Associate University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering Serbia New country 1 project
Zavisa Gordic Research Associate University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering Serbia New country Interested in Lead a project +2 1 project
OLEKSANDRA TARANENKO head of department Виконавчий комітет Вільнянської міської ради Ukraine New country Interested in Join a project +1
Darko Vasic head of the department Opstina Ljubovija Serbia New country Interested in Lead a project +4
Oleksandr Yurchak CEO Ukrainian Cluster Alliance Ukraine New country Interested in Lead a project +4 1 project
Meral Todri expert Agjencia Shtetërore e Programimit Strategjik dhe Koordinimit i Ndihmës Albania New country Interested in Access to people and events
Inha Besehanych project manager ДВНЗ "Ужгородський національний університет" Ukraine New country Interested in Join a project +3
Milka Stojkić Activity Coordinator of Center for Health System Development and International Cooperation JZU Institut za javno zdravstvo Republike Srpske Bosnia and Herzegovina New country Interested in Join a project +3
Inna Horbachevska Вертіївська сільська рада Ніжинського району Чернігівської області Ukraine New country Interested in Join a project +3
Oleh Vasilenko first deputy head of the village Холминська селищна рада Корюківського району Чернігівської області Ukraine New country Interested in Lead a project +4
Kateryna Tretiak department head Дмитрівська селищна рада Ukraine New country Interested in Lead a project +4