Rural-urban energy: Renewable energy communities
The Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform received a policy helpdesk request for more information on Rural-urban energy: Renewable energy communities.
Our Thematic Expert for a Greener and a better Connected Europe, Katharina Krell, compiled a list of resources from Interreg Europe projects and the Rural Energy Community Advisory Hub.
Our Policy brief on Empowering citizens for energy communities is a great place to start when looking for recommendations and good practices from across Europe.
The Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform has also carried out two Peer reviews on the topic:
- Fast tracking renewable energy communities in the Cypriot content for the Cyprus Energy Agency and the Cyprus Union of Local Communities.
- Supporting the development of renewable energy communities for the Spanish municipality of Asco.
Explore our projects that are working on the topic of renewable energy communities.
Resources from the Rural Energy Community Advisory Hub
Guidance documents give expert advice on setting up and running a rural energy community.
Best practice case studies published by the Rural Energy Community Advisory Hub.
We have also put together a collection on the topic of energy communities. Here you can find hand-picked content by the experts of the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform.
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