Will there be a fourth call at Interreg Europe?

The most frequent question we receive is whether we will have another call for projects. Nicolas Singer, head of the Projects and the Policy Learning Platform unit, answers your questions.
Interview with Nicolas Singer
Everyone is asking: Will there be more calls at Interreg Europe during the 2021-2027 programming period?
I confirm there won't be another open call for this programming period 2021-2027. The programme is very popular. All the funds dedicated to projects were already allocated after three calls. All 36 countries and more than 90% of the programme's regions are represented in our 263 projects addressing all priorities of the Cohesion Policy. This is already a great achievement of the programme.
Is there anything else the programme can offer public authorities looking for policy solutions, who are eager to connect with other European regions?
Yes, beyond the projects, the Interreg Europe programme offers a variety of services through its Policy Learning Platform. It is open to any interested regions looking for inspiration and new policy solutions.
What are the services of the Policy Learning Platform?
First, you can discover our thematic publications and good practice database featuring over 3,500 tested solutions from our projects. You are also invited to join our online or in-person events to learn about recent policy trends and network with other policy makers. Last but not least, you can contact our experts to get tailored support through, for instance, the help desk or the peer review service.
Where can they find more information?
All information is available on the programme's website. Our annual event ‘Europe, let’s cooperate’, happening in Krakow next March, will also be dedicated to the Policy Learning Platform services. You can join us as well for the online version of the event.
Thank you for your answers.