WEEE in Prison
Published on 28 June 2019

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The objectives of the project are: promoting social inclusion and create job opportunities for disadvantaged people in penal execution, their re-entry by citizens active in civil life, into legality and emancipation from social disadvantage; promoting the acquisition of professional and transversal skills for people in penal execution, which support their qualified and stable employment and employment in the territory; encouraging the recovery of WEEE, with a consequent reduction in the environmental impact in their management, and the achievement of the objectives set by the Decree 49/2014; fostering the progressive expansion of the project, of the aims and objectives, to other territories and institutes of the Region. The subjects involved are: Lombardy Region: promoter of the experimental initiative and co-financier; Regional Penitentiary Administration Office for Lombardy - Regional Agency for Penitentiary Work "Article Twenty Seven": subject implementing the experimental project; AMSA: entrepreneurial entity that will implement and manage the plant defined by this project. Ten detainees currently work at the WEEE selection plant, with the forecast of a possible increase over the years; They were all trained by the treatment plant operator. The activities of the plant have just started and the evaluation of the flows actually processed will be done in a year.
Regarding the plant dimension, it is a classic manual WEEE selection facility.
Regarding the plant dimension, it is a classic manual WEEE selection facility.
Expert opinion
The electrical and electronic equipment sector is fast developing and the prevention, collection and management of an increasing amount of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) is a crucial element for establishing a circular economy. The revised Waste Framework Directive sets out to boost the rates of separate collection and recycling of WEEE in order to divert it from landfill or illegal export. The good practice will be of interest for regions that want to create new opportunities for WEEE recovery and recycling whilst at the same time promoting social inclusion and job creation.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
• The Region finances the construction of the building that houses the equipment necessary for the dismantling of WEEE by prisoners, for an amount of € 2,000,000;
• The Regional Prison Administration Office for Lombardy Euro 100,000.00;
• AMSA finances the electromechanical part (about € 800,000)
• The Regional Prison Administration Office for Lombardy Euro 100,000.00;
• AMSA finances the electromechanical part (about € 800,000)
Evidence of success
The achievement of the objectives set by the European Union and Italy with national legislation are closer through the efforts of this kind of project.
The activity produced a significant social, environmental and economical results.
The activity produced a significant social, environmental and economical results.
Potential for learning or transfer
Foster the progressive expansion of the project, of the aims and objectives, to other territories and institutes of the Region, in order to transfer and enhance the tested activities and identify themselves as a complex territorial system suited to these issues.
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Lombardy region

environmental technician