Waste management Pop Up Recycle Stations
Published on 28 November 2019

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The pop up recycle stations were implemented in 2017, in cooperation with local clean-up actions. The mail goal of the pop up recycle stations is to increase the accessibility for citizens to recycle stations and to lower the threshold. The city counts 8 recyle stations, this can be a problem for people without a car or transport. Furthermore, there is some misunderstanding about the fees we charge in the recycle stations. We only charge bulky waste and rubble but many people think all fractions are payable. This pop ups also need to help us communicate this message and inform people. Also cultural differences, language issues, ... makes it difficult for some citizens to find their way to the recycle stations. We come to the citizens now, instead of they coming to us.
The pop ups are free of charge (except bulky waste), only for citizens on foot or by bike (no cars allowed), have a maximum of 2m³ waste and some fractions are not allowed (rubble, asbestos, ...).
There is a real focus on the local neighbourhood. We don't focus exclusive on social neighbourhoods and problem areas, also richer areas, student quarters, housing projects, appartment buildings and car free zones are covered. We always link the pop up to an existing project for local neighboorhoud cleanup.
The main stakeholders are:
- citizens
- communication department
- social services
- recycling companies for some fractions: wood, textile, small electrical devices, small hazardous waste
The pop ups are free of charge (except bulky waste), only for citizens on foot or by bike (no cars allowed), have a maximum of 2m³ waste and some fractions are not allowed (rubble, asbestos, ...).
There is a real focus on the local neighbourhood. We don't focus exclusive on social neighbourhoods and problem areas, also richer areas, student quarters, housing projects, appartment buildings and car free zones are covered. We always link the pop up to an existing project for local neighboorhoud cleanup.
The main stakeholders are:
- citizens
- communication department
- social services
- recycling companies for some fractions: wood, textile, small electrical devices, small hazardous waste
Expert opinion
The good practice is an example of an urban innovation with the aim of increasing recycling by common citizens. The pop-up stations are in line with the circular economy concept and they are in addition to the regular recycling efforts and recycling stations. The pop-up stations target smaller quantities and citizens without cars. These efforts are extremely relevant having in mind the increased targets for recycling within the revised Waste Framework Directive and the revised Packaging Directive. It could be of interest to cities which would like to further improve their recycling rates and where some of the citizens do not deliver their waste because of lack of transportation or lack of access to recycling stations.
Resources needed
- we had to invest in an extra truck (CNG) to transport the stuff needed for the pop up.
- personnel: 3 to 4 people for each pop up (presence during the pop up) and 1 person for the planning & preparations.
- charges for recycling companies (placing containers, processing waste, ...)
- personnel: 3 to 4 people for each pop up (presence during the pop up) and 1 person for the planning & preparations.
- charges for recycling companies (placing containers, processing waste, ...)
Evidence of success
By now (november 2019) we organised 66 pop ups, had over 16.000 visitors and collected 500.000 kilograms of waste.
Potential for learning or transfer
In Flanders, we already see a transfer of this good practice in other cities. This means it'll work in different cities and regions.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
City of Antwerp

Prov. Antwerpen