Ventspils Reiss – Prior market consultation process

About this good practice
Expert opinion
The good practice ‘prior market consultation’ is an activity performed prior to the launch of a call for public procurement to screen existing regional capacities to respond to the requirements of the calls. In Latvia, the public procurement aimed to develop an electric 16-seats minibus with a fast charging infrastructure solution. The prior market consultation was performed to do market research, to find potential market opportunities, and to analyse the market readiness to develop such minibuses.
Some insights from the good practice:
-The prior market consultation allows regional private companies to prepare for the call for public procurement by identifying extra-regional partners with the technological capacities to respond to some of the specification of the call.
-The prior market consultation would most benefit regions that are launching public procurement calls for complex technological products that require collaboration between a regional and extra-regional private company.
Resources needed
Evidence of success
Potential for learning or transfer
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Ventspils Reiss