
Published on 24 August 2018

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Before ubiGreen, no geolocated tool mapping for the localisation of all the naturalistic projects funded by Cariplo Foundation was available. Therefore several environmental NGOs asked for a user friendly webGIS. UbiGreen helps in planning and projecting new initiatives for environmental protection and is useful for the Foundation itself (when programming and selecting proposals). It could also support decision makers and participatory processes.
Main actions:
- Setting of ubiGreen goals, also on the basis of a consultation with nonprofit environmental organizations
Selection of technical experts with the task to develop the web site - Definition of the web site structure (technical and graphical aspects)
- Updating data of naturalistic projects by the lead partners of the project, also involving nonprofit environmental organizations
- Web site development
- Publication on line, launch and promotion of the initiative
The main stakeholders and beneficiaries are Non-profit environmental organizations, public institutions, Cariplo Foundation board and officers;
Main actions:
- Setting of ubiGreen goals, also on the basis of a consultation with nonprofit environmental organizations
Selection of technical experts with the task to develop the web site - Definition of the web site structure (technical and graphical aspects)
- Updating data of naturalistic projects by the lead partners of the project, also involving nonprofit environmental organizations
- Web site development
- Publication on line, launch and promotion of the initiative
The main stakeholders and beneficiaries are Non-profit environmental organizations, public institutions, Cariplo Foundation board and officers;
Resources needed
0.1 M€ for database development and management and data entry;
The mapping of projects (when completed) will account for around 300 projects and 50 M€ grants from Cariplo Foundation. Two ICT companies were selected to support the design and the implementation of the user friendly website.
The mapping of projects (when completed) will account for around 300 projects and 50 M€ grants from Cariplo Foundation. Two ICT companies were selected to support the design and the implementation of the user friendly website.
Evidence of success
UbiGreen contains one section called Opendata which enables dataset download, thus sharing data and free dissemination of information are possible.
At the moment 244 projects out of 297 are geolocated. In the future, also ongoing projects will be mapped. Among the published projects, 18 are located in the area of Metropolitan City of Milan. The main output was the development of the database that is now in place and working.
At the moment 244 projects out of 297 are geolocated. In the future, also ongoing projects will be mapped. Among the published projects, 18 are located in the area of Metropolitan City of Milan. The main output was the development of the database that is now in place and working.
Potential for learning or transfer
The involvement of non-profit organizations in the definition of ubiGreen’s goals turned out to be very effective. In order to guarantee a satisfactory development of the project, according to the defined goals, Cariplo Foundation project manager had to work closely with the technical providers, for the definition of the ubiGreen’s structure.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Cariplo Foundation - Fondazione Cariplo

Città metropolitana di Milano