
Thermo-modernization of public buildings in the Poviat of Opatów - Social Welfare House
Published on 01 June 2018

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The investment includes modernization of the buildings of the Social Aid House in Sobów, a branch in Suchodółce, the Commune of Ożarów, and the administrative district of Opatów. The reconstruction will include an administrative building, an outbuilding, a hydrofornia building, a women's building, a men's building, a boiler room, a kitchen, a porter's lodge and a laundry room. Thermomodernization consists in insulation of external walls and ceilings with reconstruction, superstructure, extension and construction of roof trusses on two buildings, construction of a heating duct connecting the main building with the building
acting as a chapel, building a passenger lift next to the main building and building an LPG tank with a capacity of up to 100,000 liters. Reconstruction is also connected with the elimination of architectural barriers by adapting the facility to use by people with disabilities. The works were co-financed from the funds of the Regional Operational Program of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020, Measure 3.3 "Improvement of energy efficiency in the public and residential sector". Axis 3 "Effective and green energy".
acting as a chapel, building a passenger lift next to the main building and building an LPG tank with a capacity of up to 100,000 liters. Reconstruction is also connected with the elimination of architectural barriers by adapting the facility to use by people with disabilities. The works were co-financed from the funds of the Regional Operational Program of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020, Measure 3.3 "Improvement of energy efficiency in the public and residential sector". Axis 3 "Effective and green energy".
Resources needed
The total cost of all work carried out will amount to PLN 7 596 418.49, of which 80% of eligible costs is co-financed from the resources of the Regional Operational Program.
Evidence of success
The ecological effect resulting from the applied thermo-modernization improvements is as follows: a reduction of annual carbon dioxide emission by 155.5 tCO2 and reduction of final energy consumption by 978,2 MWh per year. Percentage share of RES in the overall energy balance 53% (men's building) and 52% (laundry), in the case of the administrative, economic, hydrofornia, women's building, boiler room, concierge and kitchen, no use of renewable energy.
Potential for learning or transfer
The practice is a good example of a comprehensive approach to thermal modernization of public buildings. Difficulties encountered during the implementation of the practice associated with the classification of modernized buildings on the basis of the Regulation of the Council of Ministers regarding the Classification of Fixed Assets indicate that the specification of essential terms of the contract should not leave room for own interpretation of its entries by contractors submitted for the tender. Such a situation can significantly affect the shift and ultimately extend the time of the whole task because it is necessary to implement additional explanatory procedures and consult the institutions of the higher level institutions.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Social Welfare House in Sobów; Sobów 117; 27-530 Ożarów
