reCYCle your ELectronics

About this good practice
For thousands of different electrical appliances, CYCEL indicates the current market value of the used device. Devices that are in demand should be sold, donated or given away: CYCEL shows where. If there is no demand, CYCEL also shows where cell phones, coffee machines and so on can be taken for disposal.
But sometimes a device is also defective. Can it then be repaired? Is a repair worth it? The portal provides links to repair manuals for every type of device. If the repair is difficult or requires special tools, further possibilities are available. You can visit one of the many repair cafés - on CYCEL, you will find the locations, dates and opening times of all repair cafés in and around Hamburg.
Although it is important to use electrical appliances for as long as possible, technical changes often mean that devices can no longer be used and so there is no demand. Then it is important that the valuable materials inside these WEEE items are returned to the material cycle as quickly as possible: get rid of the cell phones in the drawer, and the old stereo system or PC in the basement. For this, CYCEL lists all the recycling centers and the additional disposal opportunities in Hamburg.
Cycel was developed as part of the Horizon project FORCE.
cities cooperating FOR Circular Economy | © FORCE Consortium | Co-funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union | grant agreement nº 689157, from 9/2016 until 2/2021
Resources needed
To provide the information about the market value corresponding input is needed. The market value analysis in CYCEL uses the eBay data from The CYCEL-software downloads about 100.000 closed auctions per day, sorts and enhances the data to make it searchable on
Evidence of success
There is a constant number of site visitors looking for information about the market value of their devices or repair help.
Potential for learning or transfer
Citizens or other stakeholders must receive information about their specific device. The possibilities for reuse, repair or recycling depend on the type, age and size of the device.
It can easily be established in other countries or regions.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.