
Participatory process in preparation of Regional Strategy
Published on 22 December 2021

Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Participatory approach in preparing the regional programme is crucial: Regional Council cooperates with different administrative sectors, organizations, business life and inhabitants. Participation process strengthens the communication, activities across sectoral and regional borders and connections between different national and EU programmes like ESF, Leader etc..
Working groups of the regional strategic programme have 358 members and they are quadruple helix based and geographically balanced. Groups are divided in Thematic Groups (5) and Expert Groups (8). Tasks of groups are identical but Thematic Groups are led by politicians representing different parties, different levels (national, regional and local) and different locations of North Karelia. Working groups monitor and guide the development and implementation of regional strategy. The statistical indicators and objectives are monitored in the annual implementation plan of the regional programme. Business indicators are presented in the semi-annual Economic Review Trendit (Trends). In addition to working groups, everyone who is interested can express her/his opinion about draft and implementation of regional strategy in the beginning of regional strategy work. The draft is presented in regional council’ webpage.
The stakeholders are municipalities, government authorities, Joint municipal authority for North Karelia social and health services, development and educational organisations,business and industry.
Working groups of the regional strategic programme have 358 members and they are quadruple helix based and geographically balanced. Groups are divided in Thematic Groups (5) and Expert Groups (8). Tasks of groups are identical but Thematic Groups are led by politicians representing different parties, different levels (national, regional and local) and different locations of North Karelia. Working groups monitor and guide the development and implementation of regional strategy. The statistical indicators and objectives are monitored in the annual implementation plan of the regional programme. Business indicators are presented in the semi-annual Economic Review Trendit (Trends). In addition to working groups, everyone who is interested can express her/his opinion about draft and implementation of regional strategy in the beginning of regional strategy work. The draft is presented in regional council’ webpage.
The stakeholders are municipalities, government authorities, Joint municipal authority for North Karelia social and health services, development and educational organisations,business and industry.
Expert opinion
The North Karelia, Finland, approach to design the regional strategy follows an inclusive bottom-up approach. The Regional Council orchestrates the participatory process including a vast quantity of actors involved (358 members) from very different backgrounds to be divided in Thematic and Expert Groups. The first ones are led by politicians, but both groups are tasked to monitor the annual implementation of the programme. Twice a year the business indicators of the strategy are monitored. Such bottom-up approach to design, implement and monitor regional development strategy requires a significant work and resources for its preparation which are more relevant in regional contexts with a relatively small population size and a culture of citizen and quadruple-helix participation.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
13 promoters from Regional Council, 6 representatives of Board of regional council, members in working groups voluntary based.
Evidence of success
Participatory process in preparation engages stakeholders and beneficiaries into the work development. The working groups have 358 members which met 64 times during the 2020-2021. In addition the preparation and monitoring work has been done during 3 meetings of Strategic Environmental Assessment-group, 5 meetings of Steering Group, 3 webinars in 2021,7 meetings of the Board of the Regional Council (political level) and 4 meetings of the Assembly of Regional Council of North Karelia.
Potential for learning or transfer
Participatory process is capable to adapt in different regions in development work. Through the participatory process , the development organisation and stakeholders and beneficiaries disseminate information of their requirements and interests achieving deeper engagement in the development work. Stakeholders also reach a better understanding of the goals of regional development work which help them to create new networks and make successful applications to public funding addressed to regional development. Participation can improve the quality of the work on the development as well as cooperation contributes to the achievement of a common vision. Active cooperation and new networks would promote innovation.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Regional Council of North Karelia

Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi
Project Manager