Operating Aid System (SAE) and waste collection weighing
Published on 26 November 2019

Principado de Asturias
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The waste collection service in EMULSA produce an overdose of information that needs to be controlled and automated, that is the main reason to settle down this project that was made in two phases, the first one consist in an operating aid system where monitor in real time the position of the waste vehicles and the location of all the containers. With the technology implemented on board of the vehicles we obtain historic of the routes the trucks have done with the containers that have been collected or washed, and then we can optimize the tasks and plan the service properly. Now we have full information about when and what containers have been collected or washed, the kilometres and hours the trucks have done, the speed or irregular manoeuvres.
In a second phase we added a weighing system in three trucks. The main objectives were to improve the security by knowing the weight the truck is collecting in each moment, with this we have reduced the risk caused by and overweight, and optimize the task because we could reduce overweight situations or underused.
In a second phase we added a weighing system in three trucks. The main objectives were to improve the security by knowing the weight the truck is collecting in each moment, with this we have reduced the risk caused by and overweight, and optimize the task because we could reduce overweight situations or underused.
Expert opinion
The good practice is a an example of automation of waste collection services giving waste operators better knowledge of the waste streams ultimately leading to improved service ans optimised collection. The good practice could be of interest to local authorities and waste operators which would like to benefit from IT development for a better service and information management. The system leads to benefits of the waste operator as well in terms of optimised route planning and reducing the overall cost of the service. Those interested in the GP could further explore the technical aspects of the good practice as well as the organisational side of the initiative.
Resources needed
121.400€ (software development), 185.000€ (on board equipment, IT equipment and control room), 15.000€ (weighin system)
Evidence of success
Full knowledge about the tasks done, number of containers collected and washed, the time when they were collected or washed, the weight at the moment that the container was collected, the route the truck made, the speed of the vehicle, irregular manoeuvres the driver could have done.
Potential for learning or transfer
Nowadays, the waste collection service generates a large volume of information that lacks control. Having the data will facilitate decision making. This is the main reason why we understand that the implementation of this practice may be interesting.
In our case it helps us to planning routes more efficiently, minimizing fuel consumption, optimizing routes and resources (people, vehicles), minimizing incidents, reducing service costs, what has supposed us to be more efficient.
In our case it helps us to planning routes more efficiently, minimizing fuel consumption, optimizing routes and resources (people, vehicles), minimizing incidents, reducing service costs, what has supposed us to be more efficient.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.

Principado de Asturias
Head of Waste Management Service