Northern Transylvania Clusters Consortium
About this good practice
The clusterization process in North-West Region of Romania was the result of the coagulation of public authorities, research institutions, private companies, with the support of North-West RDA as catalyst for the past 12 years.
Some of the clusters engaged in actions to consolidate their strength, acting together as a force in the economic and policy environment, by establishing a consortium at regional level in 2016. The consortium is now composed of 6 sectoral clusters, half of them led by women-manager, totalizing 450 member companies, universities, research entities and public authorities.
The cluster members are: Transylvanian Furniture Cluster, Transylvania IT Cluster, AgroTransilvania Cluster, Transylvania Energy Cluster, Transylvania Creative Industry Cluster and Romanian New Materials Cluster.
NTCC functions as an ecosystem, by carrying out joint activities which lead to regional governance, lobby for public entrepreneurship and cluster policies, by joint forces for integrated promotion, joint infrastructure (such as buildings and equipment), joint resources (human and material), initiation and implementation of joint initiatives and projects, towards boosting competitiveness, innovation and internationalization of the cluster members.
Since 2022, the previous informal consortium became a legal entity NGO called SMART TRANSYLVANIA Association, with the goal of strengthening the power of clusters in the region and shaping the regional policies at the highest level.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
Top leadership of clusters organizations, which enbraced a culture of cross-sectoral collaboration for mutual benefits and a wider influence.
The financial contribution of the clusters allowed the joint development of different events, projects and initiatives, under the umbrella of the consortium.
Evidence of success
International visibility organizing yearly the Transylvanian Clusters International Conference since 2016 - 7 editions, 200 speakers, 1,200 participants from 20 countries, 500 matchmakings. Topics tackled: manufacturing, trade, education, research, smart cities, start-up opportunities.
SMART TRANSYLVANIA Association was selected as member in the regional policy-making Monitoring Committee of the North-West Regional Programme 2021-2027.
Several European projects jointly implemented, like EDIH.
Potential for learning or transfer
The model of cross-sectoral cluster collaboration is successful and it can be replicated. The mutual benefits of joining forces to carry out joint activities brought strength, wider visibility, commercial benefits, boosted innovation and attracted funding opportunities.
NTCC has become a policy partner to be committed in strategic processes such as regional smart specialisation, innovation action plans or North-West Regional ERDF funded Programme for the future investments, in joint projects for policy lobby and for digitalisation of SMEs and public administration.
As a legal entity, NTCC engaged to become a regional supercluster. More, the feminine leadership of the clusters management contributed to the construction of an image of empowerment for women in the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the North-West Region. This vision can be applied both for public authorities and other cluster entities, as a way to actively support and implement collaborative gender equality/ equity policies.
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