
MAHREG Automotive
Published on 31 March 2019

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The network was initiated by the Inno-Regio competition "Innovative Impulses for the Region" of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). MAHREG is a trademark for the Saxony-Anhalt region. The active participation of the network is characterised by the involved companies, the scientific community and the economic policy committees of the state and federal government. The central task of the cluster is to strengthen the innovation and efficiency of the regional suppliers for the automotive industry. In this way, new innovations should be generated and successfully placed on the market. So, Saxony-Anhalt meets the high demands of the international automotive market. MAHREG’s demands can be summarised in the following words: lighter, more economical, more effective, safer and more competent. More than 170 companies, institutions and partners are currently involved in the cluster.
The network’s vision is to establish Saxony-Anhalt as a centre for the development and manufacture of lightweight vehicle components for alternative, energy-efficient drive systems. MAHREG assumes the responsibility and leadership for the research and development field of aluminium casting / lightweight construction within the Automotive Cluster East Germany (ACOD) membership.
The network’s vision is to establish Saxony-Anhalt as a centre for the development and manufacture of lightweight vehicle components for alternative, energy-efficient drive systems. MAHREG assumes the responsibility and leadership for the research and development field of aluminium casting / lightweight construction within the Automotive Cluster East Germany (ACOD) membership.
Expert opinion
The MAHREG Automotive network aims to strengthen the innovation capabilities of companies in the automotive industry cluster in Saxony-Anhalt. The network consists of 170 companies and actors in the automotive industry that have the objective to establish Saxony-Anhalt as a centre for the development and manufacture of lightweight vehicle components for alternative, energy-efficient drive systems.
Suggestions for potential Good Practice transfer:
-Place-based leadership is an essential feature of successful regional innovation systems. Networks, such as the MAHREG Automotive network, can be instruments to lead and rally the most important regional stakeholders around common regional objectives. Regions that aim to create industry-specific networks could use MAHREG Automotive network in their benchmarking exercises.
Suggestions for potential Good Practice transfer:
-Place-based leadership is an essential feature of successful regional innovation systems. Networks, such as the MAHREG Automotive network, can be instruments to lead and rally the most important regional stakeholders around common regional objectives. Regions that aim to create industry-specific networks could use MAHREG Automotive network in their benchmarking exercises.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
MAHREG is funded within the framework of the joint task for cluster management of the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt. A high level of commitment and interest in the development of new products/innovations and thus the advancement of the region are essential for the co-operation between the actors.
Evidence of success
More than 170 partners from economy and science are currently involved in the MAHREG Automotive cluster. During the 20-year existence of the network, numerous ideas were generated and implemented in concrete projects (more than 50). For example, super-light Mg-Li-alloys are used in the lightweight construction in the automotive field. Furthermore, the Electromobility Day takes place once a year in Saxony-Anhalt to inform about current developments in the field of electromobility.
Potential for learning or transfer
Today, around 170 partners from business and science in the field of automotive are involved in the cluster. New and innovative ideas, projects and products can be generated through active cooperation between industry and research. The market-oriented implementation of these ideas, projects and products is the focus of the cluster’s work. Regular contact opportunities, forums and workshops provide members with a common communication platform. Business contacts can also be made without obligation in order to facilitate new cooperation’s.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg

Research assistant Beyond EDP project